SWG4 | Sustainability

SWG4 | Sustainability

This Scientific Working Group focuses on how the three pillars of sustainability (natural, social, and economic) can and should be combined in order to promote rural development, thus creating future prospects for rural youth. This WG will be inspired by the Green Deal initiative, to creatively discuss overlapping topics such as new avenues for agriculture development, social innovation aiming at youths in rural communities, or new businesses and economic activities emerging from a sustainability paradigm, including social economy initiatives. The WG will focus on the following questions:

(a) How can a more sustainable agriculture sector contribute to rural youth prospects, while solving problems such as workforce rejuvenation?
(b) What are the new economic activities inspired by the Green Deal and a sustainability paradigm that can represent an opportunity for rural young people’s prospects?
(c) Are there social initiatives and best practices (local policies, programs, projects) that can help to improve rural younger generations to stay and prosper in rural communities?



WG Social Support
WG Education
WG Employment
WG Sustainability
Member of the European Rural Pact

The European Rural Youth Observatory (EURYO) is a research-oriented association led by researchers and composed of scholars, third sector representatives, public services providers, youth workers, and rural young people committed to moving forward European rural youth.
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