EURYO Partner Membership

EURYO Partner Membership

Institutions, networks and any other group of interest are welcome to join EURYO as a Partner. We have two different figures to become a partner of EURYO.

Associate members 

1. Organizations, foundations, institutions, corporate bodies without distinction of nationality, nor adherence to ideological, political, or professional groups, who may be interested in EURYOs aims and activities, and who wish to financially support the Association, may be accepted as Associate Member and may use that title. Associate membership is subject to the approval of GA.

2. The membership fee is set annually by the GA and must be paid between the 1st of September and the 1st of December of each year. The title of Associate Member and payment of membership fee gives exclusive right to certain EURYOs benefits listed in point 7.b..

3. In case the membership request is accepted, EURYO signs a collaboration agreement with the associate partner, establishing mutual rights and duties for their collaboration.

4. Each associate member counts for one vote, irrespectively of the fact that more than one institution is representing the same country.

5. Associate members who fail to respond to convocations for two successive GA may, after the lapse of six months from the second GA, or who have failed to pay their fees in two consecutive years may be considered by the Executive Committee as having resigned. The GA may then terminate the membership status of associate member.

6. The associate members can resign by written notification to the GA.

Collaborating partners 

1. Organizations, foundations, institutions, corporate bodies, without distinction of nationality, nor of adherence to ideological, political, or professional groups, who may be interested in EURYOs aims and activities, and who wish to collaborate with the Association, may be accepted as Collaborating Partners and may use that title. Collaboration is subject to the approval of GA.

2. The agreement to be a Collaborating partner must be based on the mutual interest in the collaboration between the Association and the partner.

3. The Collaborating Partners has no fees and will not have any right for EURYOs services including the right to vote in any of the GA, working group, commision or project, inside the Association. They cannot take part in the direction and management of the organization;

4. On the recommendation of the Council, the GA may terminate the Collaboration status.

5. The Collaborating Partners can resign by written notification to the GA.

Member of the European Rural Pact

The European Rural Youth Observatory (EURYO) is a research-oriented association led by researchers and composed of scholars, third sector representatives, public services providers, youth workers, and rural young people committed to moving forward European rural youth.
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