
Autumn is calling!

Autumn is Calling!


Autumn is supposed to be a sad, melancholic time. Well, not for the Rural NEET Youth Network! For us is, Autumn a time of opportunities and challenges. Writing and publishing, collaborating, presenting your ideas, you name it.

Please check the upcoming calls for papers publication, communications in conferences or conference grants. Don’t miss it.

You have all the info in our website:


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MC Newsletter (September 2020)

MC Newsletter – September 2020
The MC Newsletter is our internal tool to summarize the relevant tasks, events and more that we have done and we will do in the near future.
You will find extend info about all our action in the website, but now you can participate and stay tune of the most relevant and “should know” events in this Volume. Welcome again to our MC newsletter!



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Webinar June 2020

With the recent COVID-19 outburst, COST Actions have become seriously limited in promoting the involvement of stakeholders, whether they are other researchers and scholars, policy-makers, representatives of public services or NGO’s.
In the case of CA 18213, this is a very demanding situation.
That is why we offer this webinars sessions for all the members, stakeholders and persons interested in our topic.








24.June.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION

Aleksandar Lukic (University of Zagreb, CRO)

Rurality: Meaning and defining dimensions

Rurality is a growingly complex definition. Sometimes, it is also seen as negative social category. This webinar will explore different meanings of rurality, based on criteria such as population, landscape, economic activities and other.

 Sign up for this session






29.June.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION
Massimiliano Mascherini (Head of Social Affairs Unit, Eurofound)

NEETs: profiles and typologies

Youths not in Employment, nor in Education and Training (NEET) is a very heterogenous group. Some distinctions have been made between subgroups, based on age subclasses or on unemployment/inactivity status. For the past decade, Eurofound has worked to capture more specific types of NEETs and how they may differ across sex, age groups or degree of urbanization.

 Sign up for this session


More sessions will be announced very soon. Visit the webinar webpage to know more about this program.


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Webinar Calendar

With the recent COVID-19 outburst, COST Actions have become seriously limited in promoting the involvement of stakeholders, whether they are other researchers and scholars, policy-makers, representatives of public services or NGO’s.
In the case of CA 18213, this is a very demanding situation.
That is why we offer this webinars sessions for all the members, stakeholders and persons interested in our topic.


24.June.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION
Aleksandar Lukic (University of Zagreb, CRO)

Rurality: Meaning and defining dimensions

 Sign up for this session

29.June.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION
Massimiliano Mascherini (Head of Social Affairs Unit, Eurofound)

NEETs: profiles and typologies

 Sign up for this session

09.July.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION
Jale Tosun (Heidelberg University, GER)

Youth participation in labour markets: Insights from 11 European countries

 Sign up for this session

16.July.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION
Antonella Rocca (University of Naples, IT)

Being NEET in Europe Before and After the Economic Crisis: An Analysis of the Micro and Macro Determinants

 Sign up for this session

More sessions will be announced very soon. Visit the webinar webpage to know more about this program.


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ITC Conference Call May 2020 (External)

Final application deadline: June 30th, 2020

Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students and Early Career Investigators (ECI), i.e. researchers up to 8 years after their PhD completion, from ITC participating in the COST Action 18213 to attend international conferences on Rural NEETs related topics not specifically organised by the COST Action.

Conference Grants are exclusively reserved for PhD students and ECIs with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an ITC (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Republic of Serbia).

The grants are exclusively reserved for applicants making an oral conference presentation listed in the official event/conference programme. The main subject of the oral presentation/ speech at the approved conference needs to be closely related to the topic of the Action and to acknowledge COST.


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Webinar Call 2020

1st Call to Webinar Proposal

With the recent COVID-19 outburst, COST Actions have become seriously limited in promoting the involvement of stakeholders, whether they are other researchers and scholars, policy-makers, representatives of public services or NGO’s.In face of this, CA 18213 Core Group agreed to open a call for an online training and stakeholders involvement program.


The activities can be presented in three different categories.

  1. National stakeholders involvement webinars: These are webinars promoted by CA 18213 members. The webinars are aimed at stakeholders at the national level, whether they are decision-makers, top or intermediate managers of public services or NGO’s and/or professionals.
  2. Online meeting point: The online meeting point is a series of webinars organized and delivered by CA 18213 members and other scholars and professionals. They can be attended by CA 18213 members, fellow colleagues, scholars and stakeholders outside the Action. Proposals from Early Research Investigators (ECI) and members from Inclusiveness Target Countries are particularly welcomed and encouraged.
  3. Premium lectures & discussions: The premium lectures & discussions are webinars organized by the Core Group and delivered by an invited keynote speaker. They can be attended by CA 18213 members, fellow colleagues, scholars and stakeholders outside the Action.


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Member of the European Rural Pact

The European Rural Youth Observatory (EURYO) is a research-oriented association led by researchers and composed of scholars, third sector representatives, public services providers, youth workers, and rural young people committed to moving forward European rural youth.
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