EURYO Goals, Values and Mission


The European Rural Youth Observatory (EURYO) is a research-oriented association led by researchers and composed of scholars, third-sector representatives, public services providers, youth workers, and rural young people committed to moving forward European rural youth.


EURYO is driven by a set of core values applying to both the network vision and to young people’s future. At the network vision level, our core values include:

Openness: EURYO is open by definition, resulting in a multistakeholder network combining knowledge, practice, and policies. Openness means that EURYO is open to all sorts of members interested in moving forward European young people and bridging with different national and international bodies. Openness also means that while adopting an ecological, multilevel lens to understand rural young people’s challenges and opportunities, EURYO welcomes any type of theoretical or methodological approach in line with of the overall values of EURYO.

Interdisciplinarity: EURYO is powered by the combination of knowledge and expertise from a wide range of scientific fields.

Transparency: the processes leading to EURYOs public positions in terms of results or recommendations are fully disclosed to all audiences.

Sustainability: EURYO operation seeks self-sufficiency and viability in the long term.

Independence: EURYO positions reflect its members’ own position.  

Ambition: EURYO is an international reference for knowledge about European young people’s livelihood and prospects in rural areas.

Regarding rural young people’s future, EURYO upholds the following key values:

Inclusion: EURYO contributes to the inclusion of European rural people and therefore to stronger and more sustainable rural communities.

Diversity: EURYO contributes to all groups of European rural young people, irrespectively of their nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religious or political beliefs.

Solidarity: EURYO is particularly driven to help improve the living conditions of European rural young people living in less developed European countries.

Determination: EURYO is determined to promote social change, meaning to target conditions and resources which can lead European rural young people to develop their full potential and achieve their own goals.


1.  Goals

EURYOs adhere to the definition of rurality based on the OECD regional typology. 

Based on that, EURYOs specific goals are:

  1. To establish and support a network of relevant multi-stakeholder representation of different countries engaged in rural youth issues.
  2. To foster knowledge, skills, and best practice exchange to integrate scientific and technical advances, address current knowledge gaps and identify the most promising research avenues regarding European rural young people.
  3. To represent an open-access synthesizer to store and share several sources of information concerning rural European rural young people.
  4. To inform multiple stakeholders (policy-makers at all levels, NGOs, youth workers) as well as decision-making and practices based on the most up-to-date scientific knowledge. 
  5. To support young researchers in developing their knowledge, skills and projects associated with European rural young people.

2. Activities

EURYOs vision is met through a wide range of knowledge-based activities, including research, consulting, training, and knowledge dissemination.

Research activities involve the development and/or support of international research projects.

Consulting activities cover independent policies and program evaluation at national and international levels.

Training activities involve face-to-face, virtual or b-learning activities, ranging from workshops, training courses, and training schools to full advanced, international courses (masters or doctoral programs).

Knowledge dissemination involves all the activities developed by EURYO to disseminate knowledge across different audiences. These can include social media presence, seminars/webinars, conferences, and publications in different formats (policy briefs, reports, papers, special issues, journals, or books).

3. Working language

The language to be employed in the operation conducted by the association is English.

Our members around the world:

Member of the European Rural Pact

The European Rural Youth Observatory (EURYO) is a research-oriented association led by researchers and composed of scholars, third sector representatives, public services providers, youth workers, and rural young people committed to moving forward European rural youth.
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